I guess I'm a day behind on my blog. I'll catch you up..... "Little Red" is still in the shop, so Rob and I rode together, running the B team, while Mark ran the Varsity team. I drove most of the time this round, thank goodness. Not because Rob is a bad driver, but because my ass couldn't take another 15 miles on the back of the four wheeler. Geez!! Rob drove at the very beginning, and I was pretty grateful. We had to drive through "The Beaver Pond". I hate "The Beaver Pond"! I can't wait for it to freeze up and become a nice, smooth passage way. Right now it is a gigantic, huge, deep, pool of water, that swallows the dogs as we inch up to it (well that's only my opinion really, the dogs don't actually seem to mind much. and it's probably only a foot deep.). Even if I'm feeling good about all other aspects of driving the dogs, I freak out at "The Beaver Pond"!
Because of the lack of snow, the dogs paws are taking quite a beating. In fact, the Little Devil got quite a gash on her tiny paw yesterday, and Mark is pretty sure "The Beaver Pond" is the culprit Damn Beaver Pond! So today, tomorrow, and Tuesday, the dogs will rest, and heal up. If we aren't running dogs, there are plenty of other things to do around here.
Today after dog chores, Mary made "hole in an egg" for breakfast. Some of you may know what that is. I had never heard of it. She cut a perfect sized hole in a piece of bread, put it on a skillet, and cracked an egg in the hole. It was awesome. To top it off, she put cheese on it. It's like the perfect breakfast. Then she toasted up the left over holes (the ones she had cut out). They were like perfect little round toasts. Two bites. Those of you who know me, also know my love of all things small. Especially small foods. To sum it up, I had fun at breakfast. BUT, I mentioned my love of small foods, then blabbered about my love of all things small, even....people. AHHHH! So if Mark and Mary didn't think I was weird enough, I sealed the deal with that information.
After breakfast we did some house cleaning. All of us. Rob and I were sweeping and shaking out rugs, while Mary was doing the same in the big cabin. Mark was cleaning out the garage and putting a window in. Then we did a little wood stacking for the wood stove in the garage. Rob and I took Tubbs and Roxie for a walk. Mark moved a little stove into our cabin, which we are super excited about! Not because we want to start making our own dinner, Mary. But we are late night cup of coffee drinkers, and being able to boil water for our french press is going to be great!! A little down time, for us anyhow, Mark and Mary were doing stuff all day. Then I heard the puppies running all over outside. I headed out to get a little puppy time. Mark has his deer hanging in the garage, waiting to be butchered, and Monz discovered it. He tried to get tough with it. He would creeeeep up on it slowly, then "BARK, BARK, BARK", then make a break for it around the corner of the garage. He did this about three times. It was great.:) Before night time dog chores, we hung out at Mark and Mary's for a bit. Mary makes roasts on Sunday, and it smelled SO good. She stayed in, working on dinner, while the three of us went out to feed the dogs their chicken soup. The sky was dark and the stars were amazing. They covered the sky and were so bright. It was a great back drop. It was chilly though. Only about 20. Maybe a little less. Earlier in the evening, Mark had started up the sauna. After our awesome dinner, it was sauna time. The sauna was so hot! It was perfect.
When I got back to the cabin, it was web cam time!! Tonight one of my oldest, and best friends Megan,was at my parents house, so that we could do a group web cam. Megan has a almost two year old little girl named Maisey, and she was there too. That was the best, to see little Maisey. She was a little confused at first, then figured it out. Sorta. She is so funny, and so see her tiny face made my week!
So that's it, I think, for the past couple of days. I feel like I'm forgetting something major though. Hmmmm. Tomorrow we are going to be building part of an arctic entry onto our little cabin. I'm pretty excited about that. I do love to build! I'm sure there are other EXCITING things going on too. Stay tuned!!
The picture is the one I mentioned about me shaking the deers hoof. It's mostly for my brother. He was strangely excited to see it.
YES!! Shake that hoof! That is awesome and dude...your jacket is filthy! Jesus...I bet watching the little guy get buck with the...well buck, I guess, was f***ing hilarious! Sorry I missed the webcam tonight. At least we had some messenger time. I LOVE YOU!
Hey you love the picture. Just wanted to tell you that I love and miss ya.
Love ya Friti
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