I said yesterday that Ophir was my hero, and I think I should make sure Olive gets credit too. She worked just as hard. She's a great leader too, and listens so well. Being on the sled by myself was so peaceful, and well worth the wait. Rob was ahead of me on the snow mobile, just in case I fell and couldn't hang on, he would be able to catch my team. Luckily I didn't need to utilize him. It was comforting having him there though. It was nice to know I had a some back up. He's good for that :)
Having both Olive and Ophir in lead, for my first time on a sled was perfect. Instead of being terrified for my next run, I'm excited. I can only hope my next six dogs are as good to me as my first.
Today we had Tom and Diane Anderson come to the kennel to mush their own teams. After a few instructions and a practice run behind the four wheeler, they were off. Mark lead the group, with Diane next, then Tom, and Mary bringing up the rear. Rob followed them on the snow mobile, just in case. It seemed to work out well, as he was able to help on a couple of occasions. They all had successful runs. Tom brought his very own roasted coffee as a small gift. I'm pretty excited to try it. He also gave some good resources for roasting our own coffee too. We were glad to have them and it seems like they really had a good time. It's great having guests and getting to meet new people.
Speaking of new people, Hannah arrived today. She will be helping as a handler for the month of January. Welcome Hannah! We're glad you're here. And what a day to arrive. We are getting MORE snow. On New Years day we received about a foot of snow. It's been snowing all day and I'd have to guess and say we've gotten at least another six inches, and it's still snowing. Tomorrow will probably be a snow moving day instead of a dog running day:(. Well, I guess more snow is better than not enough snow!
Also... last but CERTAINLY not least.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY BROTHER!!!!!! My little brother turned 25 today! Woo hoo!!!
THANKS DUDE!! I'm sorry I've been missing from the Information Super Highway for awhile and haven't been caught up on the happenings of my wild-ass big sis! I'm all caught up now though!
I'm glad to hear you rocked it out with Ophir in the front now take that confidence and grab the meanest son of a bitch in the yard, toss em around and yell..."You think you can lead my sled? Huh? You ain't got shit!!"...yep, that's totally what you need to do and then they will all listen to you! HA HA HA!! Yeah right! Guess I've seen too many mobster movies and just assume that their intimidation techniques would work on sled dogs.
As always, I miss you like crazy and am more proud of you then you will ever know!!!
One more thing...
HI MARY! Since you read this I have a question. Where are my...
*A plaque with your name above the door to “your” dog’s house
*One 8×10 signed and framed photo of your dog
*Monthly e-mail updates from your dog
*A set of four booties used by your dog
I'm sure you're working on it. I'm mostly concerned about Denali's progress. I'm sure he's kicking ass since he's an adopted Stephens and all, just interested. THANKS!
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