Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tavern Tamales and Java Moose Mochas!!

Rain, rain, go away! It warmed up just a bit today and caused any kind of snow to turn to rain. When we headed to Mark and Mary's cabin for coffee, a fog started to come in. It's a good thing today and tomorrow are the dogs days off. What a muddy mess it is running dogs in the rain! We did our dog chores and ate breakfast. I felt like I was in slow motion today. It was the kind of day when you want to stay cuddled up with, in my case, Tubbs and Keenan, and drink hot chocolate. BUT, there was a little bit of work to be done. After breakfast Mark, Rob and I chopped firewood. Well, I didn't do any chopping. I excel in the stacking of the firewood. Turns out I have horrible aim with an axe. And that can be hazardous. So Mark ran the chainsaw, Rob split the logs, and I stacked. All the while a light mist of rain/snow fell on us. After the firewood, the guys loaded up a snowmobile to be taken to the shop. Then Rob and I relaxed for a bit in our bunk house, while Mark got beef stew ready. Then it was night time dog chores time, and we needed to get water. Even the slow days require things to get done.

Mark's beef stew was great! All of the meals have been so good. When we first arrived, Mary told us she wasn't a great cook. I don't think she gives herslef enough credit. Everynight Rob and I clean our plates, usually after having seconds. And yes, a little of this appetite comes from working outside all day. But mostly, the food is damn good. And you all know how I love food :) It's funny, being a chef, I enjoy so much being cooked for:) So, I guess this is just a high five to Mary! And Mark!

Speaking of my love of food....... We have the afternoon/day off tomorrow and we are heading into Grand Marais. I'm SO excited. We are going to start the morning off out at the Java Moose. I love their lattes, and Rob is a mocha fan. Then we are going to do a PILE of laundry that smell like dogs, mud, and other fantastic stuff. We'll run up to Lyndsays dairy farm and grab a few dozen eggs, and fresh cream. Next.... lunch at the Tavern. As I mentioned yesterday, I love lunch at the Tavern. They have the greatest tamales. Great bbq pulled pork sandwiches too. And we may even have a beer with lunch. The Tavern has a great selection of dark beers. Hopefully cousin Dustin will meet us for lunch. Then some shopping at Joynes, and Bucks. Finally the grocery store. And then back to the woods. We'll probably come home worn out and tired, but it'll be well worth it. Did I mention I'm excited?!? Until tomorrow!

Oh crap! I forgot to tell you all about the trivia. Tomorrow I promise! Also, Mary is redoing the photo album on her web site. You have to check it out! There are some great pics of all the dogs. A few done by a professional photographer. Nate, there is a great one of Denali!


Nate said...

That was awesome! I love food! Here, let me tell you about some food. Did I tell you I love food? Dude, had you not eaten dinner yet when you wrote that?? HA HA! LOVE YOU!!!

Fritzee said...

Hey you, been thinking about you lately. It is good to know that you are having such a great time up there. Sure do miss talking to you but I know that it is hard. So glad to hear that you are happy and a good wood stacker. Haha. Love ya and miss ya much.