Sunday, December 21, 2008

Busy, busy, busy.....

Well I failed miserably at writing everyday of my vacation. It is always so busy when I come back to Colorado. So much to do, so many people to visit with. In such a short time. So here's a summary.....

Saturday night was my parents annual Christmas party. They've been throwing it since 1983. People we've know for years come, and so do new friends. The food is fantastic, and the company even better. The last guests, Jean and Don, left sometime around midnight. They are usually the last ones to leave. By the time they are out the door we are usually in pain due to the serious amount of laughter. My brother, Dad, and I helped my Mom clean up, as she refuses to go to bed with a messy house. It's a sickness I think. I finally threw in the towel around 1:30. I just couldn't keep my eyes open.

Sunday morning I was awake before everyone. I attempted to make coffee. I say attempted, because my parents uber-fancy coffee maker is tricky. Luckily my mom woke up in time to save the coffee maker from disaster. I'll stick to my french press. Dad and Nate slowly came alive from their late night and we all cooked breakfast together. My best friend Megan and her daughter Maisey (certifiably the cutest kid alive) came over for breakfast and coffee in their p.j.'s. Megan and her husband bought a house about a mile from my parents. I'm super spoiled to have them so close when I'm back for visits. After our great breakfast, and a few "airplane" rides for Maisey, we decided to do an early Christmas. Instead of wrapping presents (due to time constraints), we each closed our eyes and had surprises dropped in our hands. It was hilarious, and we think it might be a new Stephens tradition. Maisey and Megan stayed and did presents with us, so it gave us a chance to spoil Maisey some more.

After presents, it was football time. My dad and brother took up their positions on the couch and recliner and prepped for a day of doing nothing. My mom and I were a bit antsy, so we headed out for coffee and some shopping. There were people EVERYWHERE! We picked up some lasagna and dinner fixins at a great market, Tony's, by my parents house. My Aunt Gunni, cousin Ria, her husband Tedd, and two kids, Margot and Josh were coming for dinner. Aunt Gunni had just arrived from Eau Claire, WI. A full house, again.

When the house cleared out, again, Nate headed home to prepare for work the next day. Mom was off to bed, and Dad and I stayed up late and watched a movie. I couldn't make it through the whole thing. All the activities from the last few days were finally catching up to me.

This morning Mom and I headed out to do some last minute errands before I have to leave. We stopped to do some shopping in Castle Rock, and managed to swing by my favorite local coffee shop, Crow Foot Coffee (check them out at They have the best lattes known to man, and the staff is always friendly. You can order beans from them too, that they roast right next door. There is also a 9 out of 10 shot you'll run into someone you know. I love that. Castle Rock reminds me of Grand Marais in that way. The sun shines a bit more in Castle Rock, and the temperature is warmer, but Crow Foot is a place that would fit right in Grand Marais. In fact, I wish it were there:) Anyhow.... we met up with Dad, and Nate for some lunch. That's what my family likes to do, coffee, and eat, haha.

Tonight I met Megan and her sister Marissa for dinner at the Castle Cafe. I like to hit all my favs while I'm in town. Who knows when I'll be back, so I pack it all in. We laughed like crazy, as usual. It's not very often we all get together anymore. With our lives ever changing, we take advantage as often as possible of all three of us being in the same place. Dinner was great, and the time spent together even better. Megan had to get home to Maisey, Marissa home to bed, and me home to pack. Boo!! My flight leaves at 6:18 in the morning! Boo, again!!

It's been an amazing visit. And like always, I'm reminded why I love this place so much, and why it feels like home. Thanks to all my friends and family for the most hilarious good time. Although I can't wait to get back to my dear Tubbs McGee, Keenan, and Rob, I'll be sad to go. It's an on going war between Colorado and Minnesota. My old home, and new home.

I'll be back to posting pictures this next week, thanks to Santa, I've got a brand new camera! Things were just to busy to remember pictures the last few days.

1 comment:

Nate said...

"I'm reminded why I love this place so much, and why it feels like home."

That's because it is home!

According to Miriam-Webster a home is...1: the social unit formed by a family living together (I vote for close together, not acutally in the same domicile)
2: a familiar or usual setting: congenial environment; also: the focus of one's domestic attention (home is where the heart is)

Well, which state would you consider home?

Having you home was the best Christmas present I could have ever imagined and the suprise...perfect.

I love you with all my heart and I wish you were a short drive away rather than 17 hours and 40 minutes, and a total of 1,176.4 miles. I hope your actual Christmas rocks! I LOVE YOU!!