His name is Nathan, but we call him Nate. The only time he is called Nathan is when my mom is shocked at his swearing, or he's in trouble. Funny, that at 25, when mom screams Nathan Joseph, it still works. He lives with his crazy little dog Champ, named after bronco player, Champ Baily. He has orange and blue running through his veins, as he lives, eats, breaths Denver Bronco Football. But who doesn't right? In our family, we don't do church on Sundays, we do Broncos. Nate works in an office, hassling people and making deals all day. He gets to dress up, which has been a child hood dream of his. He smart. Crazy smart. And witty. He's charming, and usually the life of the party. His willing to try anything once, maybe twice if necessary. He's kind, and a softie. I've seen him cry while watching Oprah, or at a really good Hallmark commercial. He's my go to guy when I need an ego boost. Or if I'm a little unsure of one of my crazy ideas, I call him, and he says "Fuckin do it!".
I think it's a rule that you have to love your family. But you don't always have to like them. Luckily, I adore him. Not only are we brother and sister, we are best friends. The older we get, the closer we become. The only thing that ever seems to come between us, is physical distance. So... here's to you Nate! I love you!
Yeah, you think Hallmark commercials make me cry? You should see me after reading that!! You know "one of those can't breath, shaking" kinda cries! I MISS YOU and I LOVE YOU WITH ALL OF MY HEART!!! You are the best "big" sister anyone could ever want!
You know what you two make me cry. Remind me of me and my brother but you both know that you are my family also. Love you both and mush away.
I could wish no more for my children than the love you have for each other.
Well it's Moms turn yep that was a good one and yes your Mom did have a good cry. Melissa and Nathan as you both were growing up all I could ask for was that you two were the best of friends and I feel so blessed that has come true. Yes the physical distance does really Stink! But I believe in miracles and someday soon you two will not live that far apart because we have been blessed that when our family is together we do have a terrific time! Love you sweetheart and be careful out on those sleds!
Miss you!
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