Today Mark and Mary and about half of the kennel leave for the White Oak sled dog race. It's pretty exciting. The chances are pretty good that Mary and her team will do well, and Mark won't do bad either. I'm hoping, as I'm sure Mark is too, that his team will surprise him and really set a fast pace in the race. A couple of Rob and I's favorites are getting to go along. Indi, and Brown. Some of our other B team friends too. Even Cleo and Johnny are getting to go. They will be racing in the team of another musher. Black Magic Kennel dogs are so bad ass, other mushers want to borrow them. Haha.
Yesterday Mark, Rob, and I drove down to the sawmill where the dog truck is stored. We had to dig it out of a snow bank, but other than that, the stress was very limited. It started right up, and no flat tires. Nothing ever goes that smooth :). We also dug out a trailer that will be towed behind the truck. The trailer will carry a few dogs and some supplies. After we got the dog truck moved to where it needed to be, we put new straw in all the dog boxes and attached the race sleds to the top of the truck for transport.
Today we will bring all 22 dogs and all the remaining necessities down to the dog truck and wish Mark and Mary good luck. We hope they have a successful and SAFE race. I feel pretty proud about the dogs going. I know they will do well, and look fantastic!
While Mark and Mary are gone Rob, Hannah, and I are responsible for holding the fort down. They will be gone until Monday, so it's a bit longer than the last times they've been away. With the three of us, it should be smooth sailing. Rob and I will run dogs while they are away. Either a big team with two sleds, or two smaller teams. We'll stay close to home on a short trail. Hopefully the weather will stay clear, for all of us.
The dogs are Denali on the left, and Jango on the right. Denali was adopted by my brother and Jango adopted by last years handlers, Lis and John Neal.
God he's a beast! Yep, must be those adoptive Stephens' genes! HA HA HA! What the hell am I talking about? If he had Stephens genes he'd be missing important muscles and probably be hoping he could have a cigarette right now.
OK I see the plaque with his name, but..."A plaque with your name above the door to “your” dog’s house" -- I mean, I realize you guys are wicked busy. I get that, but I'm just saying. Autographed picture. Huh?
I hope you guys have an awesome time while Mark and Mary are away. When is the keg getting delivered and the other party revelers arriving? Did you get the mud-wrestling pit ordered? HA HA HA!! Totally kidding!!...I know you, it's a KY wrestling pit.
Pretty wild that you'll be taking care of the remaining dogs just the three of you! I'm sure you'll be fine :-) Just make the rookie do the really fun stuff! HA!
DUDE!! So I'm telling Vanessa (the nice young lady who sits in the cubicle next to mine) all about your wild ass adventure so I was scrolling through the blog. Did you know you've been there for over 2 months!?!
It made me really proud to call you my sister. I love you and you are by far the best sister any little brother could have been blessed with having. I'm so lucky!
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