Wednesday, September 17, 2008

No running water? An out house? I'm in!!

I'm starting my blog today. I'll be taking on another crazy adventure (no surprise to most anyone who knows me), and want to keep anyone who cares, in the loop. I also just realized, I may use commas too much. Anyhow.... Rob and I (my BFF) just took jobs as sled dog handlers. I know! So at the beginning of November, we'll be moving to a sled dog camp. We will be responsible for general care of all 47 dogs. We'll have to learn to drive them too. Can you imagine? Me, on a sled, being carried by 12 dogs, at 14 mph. To top the whole adventure off, we will be living in a one room cabin (with Sgt Tubbs McGee and Keenan Junebug, of course), with no running water. That means, no bathroom, just an outhouse.
Now, some of you might be thinking "What does she know about sled dogs?", or "What does she know about roughing it?", or "Maybe she really IS crazy.". And to be perfectly honest, these are all really good questions. I'm still mulling those over a little. The only thing I can say to those questions, is this..... In the last few years, my life has taken so many turns, some good, some gnarley bad. Life really isn't a long journey, it's a crazy fast one. So rather than wonder about sled dogs, or living with no toilet, I'm just going to do it.
And those of you wondering if I really am crazy, must not know me very well, because the answer is YES, time and time again. :)

So tune in here, at my blog, for day to day info on my preparation, and entry into "THE SLED DOG DAYS". The countdown is 47 days! Woo Hoo

1 comment:

Nate said...

Crazy is an understatement. I love you!