Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I know it's hard to believe, but it's still freezing a&% cold up here. Today should be the last day of the deep freeze, and this weekend we should be up back in the 20's. I'm crossing my fingers. Never before in my life was I ever looking so forward to 20 degree weather. My brother did me the great favor of giving a weather update from Colorado. 42 degrees there yesterday. Wusses!!

Today was going to be our "go to town" day. Robs truck didn't quite cooperate. Apparently at 10 degrees below zero, trucks don't really want to start. After the twenty five minute snowmobile ride to the truck, we had to turn around and head right back. I don't even ride on the snowmobile. I ride on the dog sled that is being towed behind the snowmobile. How's that visual for everyone. Hilarious, I'm sure. Since Hannah has arrived, it makes trips into town a bit more of a challenge. Rob drives the snowmobile while Hannah rides, and I am towed. Hannah is not an experienced snowmobile driver or rider, and doesn't have a lot of time on a dog sled either. So we divvy out the positions accordingly. I might be pushing for the snowmobile rider tomorrow. I felt my eye balls freeze today, I swear!

Once we arrived back to dog camp, Hannah cooked breakfast. It was decided by the boss man that today would be a great day for movies. Rob and I cozied up with blankets and snacks and watched one of the movies my parents just sent, Nims Island. The movie took place on an island near Fiji. The beach and sunshine sure looked nice!

We fed the dogs their chicken soup and restocked straw in their houses as needed. Mark had been cooking venison chops all day on the wood stove and it was a perfect dinner on such a cold night. We ate dinner while watching a video on the 1994 Iditarod. After dinner we all headed back to our separate cabins. As we were leaving, we let a few of the Varsity girls in the house. On cold nights like this, Mark lets a select few of the dogs sleep in the house. Rob and I had asked Mark earlier in the day if we could have Valor in for the night, so on the way back to our place, Rob ran over and grabbed him. This is the second time Valor has been in the house, and it was obvious he felt a little more comfortable. I say obvious because he had no trouble jumping up on the bed and sprawling out.

Now it's time for bed. I have no idea what the temperature will be like tomorrow. I just know it will be cold. Like my brother said, once it gets past a certain point, who cares? It's just freakin cold!!!


Nate said...

Dude! Your dog is crazy SHAGGY! Whoa! Seriously, how does the lil fella see?

I saw a story on NBC Nightly news about how crazy cold it is up North. Coldest it's been in years they say. WHOA!

Too bad you missed out on your trip to town. Everyone knows how much you love town and interacting with other humans. Don't worry, you'll get to town soon enough.

I hope you have another relaxing day. If you watch so many movies, you should have mom and dad send you more. You know dad has like 2,374 DVDs so I'm sure he could spare a couple.


RayRay said...

I have really enjoyed your blog. Please tell rob Hi.
and remember, "if you can't see palm trees you maybe in the wrong place.

Calicoteach said...

Wow, it has been really cold up there but I do remember 60 below when your dad and I lived up in Grand Marais. You should be getting a goodie box from Mtn Man anytime. Glad your enjoying your movies! I so much enjoy your blog and also your brothers comments!
Love you!