Thursday, October 23, 2008

8 days

So only 8 days until I'm on the move. Boxes are stacked up all over my house. I packed most of my cookbooks today. I realized some of them have been with me from the start. The start being the first time I ever moved out. I get so easily distracted when I try and pack them up. I'll start to thumb through one. Or notice a note sticking out of another. It's fun to get the notes that are years old. My GIANT cookbook from Culinary School is the best. There is all kinds of scribbles and notes to myself in the margins. I was trying to keep mental notes of the recipes I want to try "up north". It's kind of a challege with the no running water situation. So I'm trying to think outside the box. I keep coming back to crock pot meals. Hmmmm. Anyhow... that was fun today.
The weather is great. Still fall weather. Got a little colder then the last couple of weeks. Rob actually turned the heat on two nights ago. Sissy :) We live in an old house with radiators in every room. It always creeps me out when the heat gets turned on. There are so many random knocks, and hisses. Ha ha. Now who's the sissy. We got our apartment rented this week too. Thank Goodness! Now we wont have scheduled strangers wandering through our house.
Only two more days of work left! I can't wait. There are only 11 people on our entire resort tonight. To give you an idea how little that is, during the summer, we can hold close to 500. My restaurant is still open until midnight though. Oh well, I guess, easy money. I guess that's all for now.

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