Monday, October 20, 2008

My one wish..... Colosota!

I just got back from Colorado this morning. It was the best trip. One of my favorite visits ever, really. The weather was unbelievable. At least 70 degrees for all the days I was there. I got to see all the people I love.
I flew in early on Thursday. Really early. I had to leave my house by three o'clock Thursday morning in order to get to the airport on time. I had breakfast with my parents, lunch with my brother, and dinner with my oldest and best friend, Megan, her husband and totally kick ass little girl Maisey. Last time I saw Maisey was August. It was crazy how much she'd grown, and learned :). Then I had drinks with a couple more friends, one of them is a boy that will remain nameless for now :). I adore this nameless guys, and get little butterflies every time I see him. It was a great start to my trip. But also a huge reminder of all the amazing people I've moved away from.
Friday I bummed around and shopped with my mom and another great friend, Christina. It was perfect. We had lunch at an awesome Tuscan place. I'm planning on using their bruschetta idea. It was that good. And the risotto! Butternut squash risotto! It was delicious. Not too sticky, but not loose either. Then Friday night I met my brother and one of of his new best friends to play beer pong, and do some general getting to know each other, which was beyond a good time (for me anyhow:)).
Saturday my parents and I helped Meg unpack a little. She, Chris, and Maisey just moved into a new house. It's only a mile away from my mom and dads house. I stayed in my p.j.s all day. I did a little kitchen organizing, but mostly just played with Maisey. Then mom and I went shopping for our old school bbq party we were having that night. Everyone I wanted to see came to the party. People I haven't seen for a while. Some of my oldest friends. We gambled a little, drank a lot. Megans sister even came. I haven't seen her in about a year! It was such a hilarious time. I swear I know the funniest people on earth! Then we headed out to meet more friends. Thanks mom and dad for cleaning up after all of us that are WAY to old to be cleaned up after:)
Sunday morning mom, dad, and I had breakfast at Pegasus, one of the BEST restaurants in town, and one of my fav places. Afterwords, more hanging out with Megan and Maisey. That could be one of the highlights of my trip. We went grocery shopping, and it reminded me of when Meg and I lived together. Sunday night I went to the nameless guys for a cup of tea and ended up staying for dinner. I picked up chocolate shakes for mom and dad on the way home. Finally dad and I watched a stupid movie until I fell asleep on the couch.
So when I had to leave this morning, it was a total bummer. I can imagine every weekend like this one. And it makes me so happy. I'm also SO excited to come home to Rob, Tubbs, Keenan, and all my friends here. I get so overwhelmed by one place or the other. Where shall I be?? Where am I supposed to go?? I can't keep moving every six months. Which place will be the best?? I guess after my sled dog adventure, I'll be able to reevaluate my priorities a bit. Like, how can I possibly miss more of Maisey growing and learning. Who will veg out, and go grocery shopping with Meg on Sundays? Or how can I help my brother deal with unexpected crap in his life, from states away? Don't even get me started on my what if list with the nameless guy. If there is even room for what ifs. I just know, a lot of time out in the middle of no where, will give me plenty of time to reflect, and contemplate. Bring on the solitude!!! Only 11 days left to Sled Dog Extravaganza!!!


peddler said...

Choose your place... let the other go and you'll be home with another place to visit.
Love you and miss you always

Fritzee said...

You know Gabi that you will always have a home here in good old Colorado. I don't really think that it is going any where. Do what ever it is to make yourself happy. We will always love you no matter what.
Love and miss ya.
Fritzee and Blake