Friday, October 10, 2008

Fast Forward, yikes!!

So..... I'm packing. And cleaning. And packing some more. It sucks. By this time, I'm a professional mover, and packer. It just doesn't seem to matter, it still sucks. I swear that once we decided to take the sled dog job, time has moved in fast forward. We will be on the road in three weeks!! That's just crazy. To make things a little crazier, we are helping our landlord out by showing our apartment to potential tenants. So we are cleaning, packing, working, and showing. Stressful!! But the stress is beaten out by our excitement.
I'm going to be heading back to Colorado in 6 days. I'm pretty pumped about that too. Yet, I've managed to pack everyday, FULL of activities and plans. Which I hate doing, because I will inevitably end up missing someone, or over scheduling. It's lame. As long as I have time for coffee with my pa, some errand time with my ma, and catch up time with my bro. Everything else will be a bonus. I hope I'm able to make it back for Christmas. That would be awesome. But we'll see. Hard to plan that far in advance.
A few days ago they poured new sidewalks at our house. The neighborhood is super old and the sidewalks were looking pretty crappy. So, they had fresh cement poured right outside our front door. It was all taped off, and screaming to be written in. I asked Rob if we should sneak Tubbs paw print in, or maybe our initials. He was down, but the worker guys were just hanging around. So there wasn't really an opportunity. So I went to work and didn't think much of it. A couple of nights after that, Rob and I took Tubbs for a midnight walk (that's the usual time because my schedule is all wacked out). As we stepped on the sidewalk, Rob said "Oh my gosh, look at that! That's crazy!". There on the corner of the new cement he had scratched in "Rob & Mel". Rob pretty much rules :)

1 comment:

Mary said...

I tried e-mailing earlier today and it came back. I must have saved it wrong. If you get a chance, send me one so I can get touch base. Mark and I are looking forward to having you and Robbie here in a couple of weeks.

Happy Trails,