Saturday, December 20, 2008

How Lucky am I?!?

I have so much to fill you all in on. I'll start at the beginning, well Wednesday. Wednesday was Rob's first time on a sled behind the dogs. The "Titanic" was tied behind Marks sled, so it wasn't an entirely solo operation. He volunteered to go first, knowing he could pass on some do's and don'ts to me for my first trip. After dog chores and major bundling up, it was time to hook up. We had three snow hooks semi buried (the snow isn't perfect for hooks yet), and a rope tied to the anchor axle. The dogs were SO excited. When the time came to go, Mark and Rob were both standing on the snow mobile track brakes the whole way out of the yards. Dogs barking and snarling. It was crazy to watch. I snapped one quick picture, and around the corner they went. I'll explain the snow mobile track. It's a piece of studded snow mobile track that hangs off the back of the sled, used for general breaking. According to Mark, and what I learned on my run the next day, it is key to controlling the team. While Mark and Rob were gone, I did a few chores. I walked the return trail, that runs through the back yard, and looked for branches that are hanging into the trail. I started clipping and realized I might not be the best for the job. Rob is about 6'2", and Mark is 6'6". My eye level is a little lower than theirs. The trail appeared clear to me. I started clipping a little higher though. We don't want to lose any eyes this season. After all the clipping, I had a little pile of gorgeous pine bows. Feeling a little Martha Stewart-esque, I gathered them all up. I went back to our little cabin to craft a wreath. I used twine from the straw we hauled in to tie it all together, and make a bow. I had a tiny bit of red ribbon left from some presents I wrapped, and used that too. I was pretty proud of my wreath. I ran in the cabin to get my camera, and.... IT WAS BROKEN!!! The lens wouldn't open! I guess all these days out in freezing weather and snow weren't that great for it. So, no pic of my seriously crafty wreath. And right before my big day!! Shortly after that, the guys came back. I ran out to meet them, and asked Rob a billion questions. He said it went great. He didn't fall (of course), and it was so much better than being on the four wheeler. I was so anxious to hear the whole story!! Mark said he did great. After the dogs were put away, we headed back to the cabin. Rob gave me some pointers and told me he was sure I would do great. Thanks! Mark noticed my crazy wreath, and donated a GIANT red bow to the Christmas cheer cause. According to Mary, that might of been a little out of character. Wink, wink :).

The next morning, Thursday, was my turn. Dun dun dun. Mary left me a very encouraging message on her blog. Drink a whiskey and relax! That is advice we can all use! After chicken soup and our own breakfast, it was time to get ready. I started feeling a little nervous, but just tried to remember the relaxing part. I skipped the whiskey part, figured I'd have one when I got back. Things for the hook up went as planned. I kept a lot of the things Rob had told me, and of course ALL of the things Mark told me, and held on for dear life. We made the corner out of the dog yard and that was enough to ease my worries for the rest of the trip. It was AMAZING to say the least. It's so quiet. All you hear is the snow underneath you, the dogs feet and breathing. It was awesome and so hard to describe in words. Being behind Mark on the sled gave me a chance to feel my sled out a bit, and watch him to see what he did. I felt like I could take in so much more than when I was on the four wheeler. I saw all the moose tracks and could actually take time to look for them. My favorite part of our Lunch Loop run is through a pretty level area, where tall grasses grow up all along the trail. It was even better on a sled. We headed past our original loop, to a loop I hadn't been on before. Rob and Mark have, but not me. There were gorgeous views. Mark gave me a warning that we would be taking two sharp left hand turns. And it might be best to jump off and run along side the sled. Now those of you who know me, know how I just love to run. The truth is, I don't usually run unless something is chasing me. And even then, I might weigh my options. Running in ankle deep snow, while being pulled by 14 dogs, uphill sounded... deadly, really. As we started the turn I put both feet on the right runner, anticipating jumping off and running along side my sled. Things happened a little too fast, and wham! Down I went. I couldn't hang on to the sled, just tipped it over with me. Luckily the team, with Marks help, stopped and waited just long enough for me to dust off and jump back on. Fall #1, check! The next left hand turn he warned about, I was determined to make. This time I jumped off in time, ran like hell, and hung on. SUCCESS! If I were to eat shit on every corner from there on out, I still would of felt good about the one corner I made. The rest of the trip went without incident, I even ran a few more corners. Until the return trail. As we started on it, Mark said "Just ride your brake, lean into the corners and keep your line tight". So I did just that. I was waiting for the vicious corner. Waiting for it. I felt like a little kid in an after school fight. Bring it corner! Whatch you got?! It came, and Mark and I both leaned like hell into that freakin corner. Just at the end, when I thought I had made it, I swear the corner grew a hand and flipped the back end of my sled. Into the snow I went. Bastard corner! Fall #2, check! The dogs, Mark, and my empty sled cruised into the dog yard. I hopped up as quick as possible could and ran to meet them. Rob peaked around the corner of the house, and saw me coming. I couldn't wipe the grin off my face. I had the best damn time. Falls and all. On one of the running corners, Mark even said "NICE JOB!!". For me, my first trip couldn't of gone better. I thanked all of the dogs, and Mark. We took care of the dogs, and it was off to pack for me. That's right, pack.

I've been keeping a secret. Pretty much from ONLY my brother, which is crazy because I can't keep a secret to save my life. Especially from him. Everyone else seems to have known and done a great job of helping me keep it under wraps. But I'm in Colorado!! I had planned to fly in yesterday and surprise my little brother for Christmas. Due to some really crappy weather in Duluth, I missed my connection from The Cities to Denver My parents and I didn't really have a Surprise Plan B, so I had to call him and tell him. This is how it went...
Nate, "Hello?"
Me, "Hey! What's up!"
Nate, "What are you doing??"
Me, "I have to tell you something..."
Nate, "What did you do???"
Me, "I'm at the airport, on my way to see you". I explained the surprise and why I had to spill the beans.
Me, "Are you there? Are you okay?"
Nate, "........"
He was crying. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!!!!!!!!!!! Needless to say, he was still surprised, and more than excited. My family picked me up and we headed back to the home stead. Nate is camping out at my parents house all weekend. I woke up way too early this morning. It is strange to not have to brave sub zero temps to go to the bathroom. Strange, but nice. And I missed not having dogs howling after their dry breakfast. My bed was invaded by Keenan and Tubbs in the middle of the night. Unfortunately. In exchange for those things, we are having a party today with all of our oldest and best friends. My ticket was a Christmas present from my parents. I couldn't ask for a better gift then to be home with most of the people I love in my life. The only ones missing are Rob, Tubbs, and Keenan Junebug. Why the hell they don't let well mannered pets (I'm talking about Tubbs and Keenan, not Rob), with great personality, on the plane, I'll never know. Miss you guys like crazy already, and see you soon!!

P.S. thanks to mark and mary for the time off, during a busy time of year :) also, look for pics from this weekend. hoping to replace my camera today. THANKS SANTA!!

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