Saturday, November 22, 2008

Back to Work

Yesterday was Friday, and our first day back to running the dogs. They have had a nice five day break to let their little feet heel up. We ran the Varsity team and the B team. The dogs were more than excited to be running. Mark hung the gang line outside before we ate breakfast, and the dogs were whining the whole time. Five days must have felt like an eternity to them. Before hooking up the teams we had to check any of the sore feet and put booties on them. After the booties, it was hook up time. Mark hooked his team up first, then Rob and I started with the B team. We were hooked up and ready to go. Because Rob and are riding together, I ran back to the four wheeler to wait for him. One of us has to keep an eye on the dogs because Ranger and Kila are notorious for chewing. So I ran to the four wheeler, and the next two minutes seemed surreal. I saw the four wheeler moving a bit, and I went to the back to look at the rope that ties us to an anchor. Right as I look at the knot, it slides undone. I went to grab the slack end and realized I had the rope in my hand, but no four wheeler. I grabbed the brake on the four wheeler and tried to reach across to grab the other brake, but it was still skidding away. Mark saw us skidding away and was not happy, to say the least. Rob jumped on the four wheeler and hit the foot brake. It was just enough to stop the team. Marks team took off just inches in front of our, and then we were off. That was a shitty way to start the morning. Our run was nice though. It's one of my favorite loops. The dogs looked great and were psyched to be out. "The Beaver Pond" is frozen, thank goodness!! About a quarter away through our run, Mark pointed out some moose tracks. In the last couple of days, Rob and I have finally seen some wildlife. The moose tracks are one step closer to actually seeing a moose:) We got back from the run, gave the dogs their treats, and back to their houses.

Mark and Mary had plans to be out on the town, so Mark headed out. They were meeting with some of their good friends from Voyageur Canoe Outfitter. That meant Rob and I were on our own for night dog chores, AND trivia! Dog chores went smooth, then we made dinner, and listened to trivia. We found the WTIP number and made a few calls in. We were 4 for 5!! It was a little eerie to be here all alone. Every time the dogs barked, we were listening. Or peaking out the window. Rob even went and did a couple of laps through the dog yard to check things out. All in all, it was an uneventful night, which is great :).

Now, we are all having coffee, getting ready to run all three teams today. I think we'll be getting a few more things knocked off the "to-do" list too. That's all for now.

AHHHH! I promise, pictures today. PROMISE. OH! Here's a shout out for my brother, the Highlands Ranch Thanksgiving Dodge Ball Tournament Champion!!!


RaeLinda said...

Hi Guys, Yeah the beaver pond finally froze for ya Mel!

Nate said...

You know it! CHAMPION kid! I'm glad to hear that you guys finally got the teams up and moving. I bet they were wicked fired up. Way to almost lose an entire team of dogs kid ;-) As far as pictures go, I'll believe it when I see it but I'm not getting my hopes up...