Saturday, November 22, 2008

I knew I forgot something!

I knew I forgot a story from yesterday. It's about Keenan, our bobcat style house cat. While we were out running the dogs she was up to some craziness. We have a dresser that we use as our food/kitchen cupboard, and she has been very curious of it. We'll catch her tip toeing to the edge of it, sniffing around. Well, when we came back from our run, we came into the bunk barn and found something very entertaining. Keenan had knocked off a bag of sugar we had on the cupboard. It was just the tail end of a small bag. But she had knocked it off. It's usually at that point that Tubbs becomes her partner in crime, and eats whatever has been knocked off. But I'm pretty sure this was a solo offense for Keenan. The bag has the smallest shred, tear, and bite marks, and sugar was all over. I can just imagine Tubbs watching her get all hopped up on sugar, laughing to himself. It wasn't until about 10:00 last night that she finally calmed down. I tried to take a picture of her wigging out, but she was moving to damn fast. Haha. I'll post the one I sort of caught. She was literally climbing the walls. Or attempting to. She was wrestling with nothing, and darting from one place to the next. It was like "Fear and Loathing in the Bunk Barn". Haha
So anyways.... todays pictures are: Keenan freaking out, Me and Tubbs, Me driving the dogs today, and Rob's self portrait of he and I on the four wheeler today. And again, sorry for the goofy set up. I'm not making any progress on getting better at picture posting.

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